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The Founding Conference of The South China Sea Liaison Department of China International Cultural Co

時間:2018-06-13 11:16:15          來源:

In order to further implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress and important speech spirit of President Xi Jinping, further promote the "The Belt and Road" construction of Hainan province, give full play to the China International Cultural Communication Center advantages in the field of international cultural exchanges, to build friendship bridge for Hainan with Southeast Asia and even the world in cultural exchange and trade cooperation areas, promote the Hainan rapid development in economy, culture, tourism and etc., on January 6, the founding conference of The South China Sea Liaison Department of China International Cultural Communication Center was held in Haikou.
The vice chairman of CICCC, Lei Mingqiu, read out the decision on establishing the south China sea liaison department of China International Cultural Communication Center. The vice chairman of CICCC, Sha Zukang, read out the appointment decision on the south China sea liaison department of China International Cultural Communication Center. Lei MingQiu, deputy director of the Committee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports of CPPCC National Committee Zhang Qiujian, Sha Zukang, executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang, former deputy director of China Foreign Language Administration Huang Youyi, vice governor of Hainan province Wang Lu, advisor of CICCC Li Yunzhi, Tao FangGui, former member of the Standing Committee of Hainan provincial Committee, head of south China sea Liaison department Liu Xin, party secretary of Hainan State Farms Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., chairman Yang Sitao and others jointly launched "China International Cultural Communication Center Liaison department of south China sea".
2 中國國際文化傳播中心副主席沙祖康宣讀《關(guān)于中國國際文化傳播中心南海聯(lián)絡(luò)部任職決定》.jpg
Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of CPPCC National Committee, executive chairman of China International Cultural Communication Center, Long Yuxiang delivered a speech, he said, since thirty years, CICCC has always been focusing on constructing the socialist powerful cultural country, promoting Chinese culture to the world, improving China's cultural soft power as own duty, and has made positive contributions in firming cultural confidence, promoting national economic development, cultural prosperity, social harmony and stability, as well as promoting the exchanges and friendship between China and the countries of the world. Hainan is China's largest special economic zone and tropical island, is a key node in the maritime silk road and is the forefront of maritime exchanges between China and ASEAN, South Asia and the Middle East. At present, Hainan has seized the opportunity of "The Belt and Road", vigorously promoted the development of tourism culture, and actively strengthened trade with southeast Asian countries, which revitalized Hainan province. President Xi Jinping visited Hainan in 2013, pointed out that we should speed up the development of a new and prosperous Hainan province with economic prosperity, social civilization, ecological livable and people's happiness, and strive to create a model of socialism with Chinese characteristics and write a beautiful chapter in Hainan. I believe that based on the care and guidance from Hainan provincial party committee, provincial government and provincial military, as well as the strong support from the departments of Hainan province and from all sectors of society, and also the hardworking of all the comrades of the south China sea Liaison department, CICCC south China sea Liaison Department will surely write a more brilliant chapter for Hainan's economic construction and cultural development, and make new greater contributions for promoting the great development of Chinese culture prosperity, realizing the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!
3 中國國際文化傳播中心執(zhí)行主席龍宇翔致辭.jpg
Vice governor of Hainan province Wang Lu delivered a speech at the conference, he expressed warmly congratulations for the establishment of China International Cultural Communication Center south China sea Liaison Department on behalf of the Hainan provincial government, wished a booming development, at the same time hoped that it can play a more significant role, and make greater contribution in promoting international cultural exchange, cultural prosperity and cultural confidence.
Head of the south China sea liaison department of CICCC, Liu Xin said in his speech, sincerely thanks to CICCC for its concern and trust. South China Sea Liaison Department will seriously implement President Xi Jinping’s series of important instructions in strengthening the cultural construction, under the leadership of CICCC, the department follow closely the state and the Hainan provincial government decision deployment, actively carry out international cultural exchange, organize international cultural exchange activities, promote Chinese culture to go out, and do the best in strengthening the culture communication between the south China sea and the surrounding countries. In the meantime, the department will deliver good service for the national strategy, closely around the "Chinese dream", "The Belt and Road" construction, the sovereignty of the south China sea as well as the other country’s decisions, fully spread Chinese advanced culture, and make contribution for achieving the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Former head of the Guangzhou military armaments department Yan Liping, former commander of Guangxi military Long Yihe, former commander of Shaanxi military Hu Haiping, former deputy political commissar Huang Shengyun, vice chairman of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee Zhou Zhihui and the representatives from CICCC offices, each professional committee, Liaison departments, commissioners, the relevant units and representatives from the PLA, armed police forces, as well as the cultural, art and news fields jointly attended the event.
After the meeting, China Soul Inspiring Art Troupe performed "China Red", "Thousand-hand Bodhisattva", Fan ShiQiu, Zhang Congbo sang "please come to the end of the earth", "I love Wu Zhi Mountain I love Wan Quan River" and other songs, and Peking Opera "Rap facial makeup”, “New red women detachment” and baritone singer Li Haoxuan “Long live motherland” and “Go with you” which won the applause from the delegates.
On the 6th in the afternoon, Lei MingQiu, Sha Zukang, Long Yuxiang, Huang Youyi, Wang Lu, Li Yunzhi, Tao FangGui, Liu Xin, Yang Sitao and others came to the museum of Hainan State Farms, jointly unveiled the nameplate for the CICCC south China Sea Liaison Department. Then they visited the Hainan State Farms Museum, precisely learned knowledge of the history of Hainan State Farms and the culture of State Farms.