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2014 Legend of Heroes World Kickboxing Championships launched in Jinan

時(shí)間:2013-11-25 14:23:09          來(lái)源:CICCC

      2014 Legend of Heroes World Kickboxing Championships was launched in the City of Spring, Jinan on 24th November. Vice-Chairman of China International Cultural Communication Center (CICCC) Zhang Li, Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang attended the launching ceremony. Hailed as "the first Chinese professional standing fighting man" Shandong champion Xu Yan and "Shaolin disciple" Shi Yanzi were present at the event, becoming the focus of media attention.


2014 Legend of Heroes World Kickboxing Championships was launched in the City of Spring, Jinan on 24th November. Vice-Chairman of CICCC Zhang Li, Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang attended the launching ceremony   (Photo by Chen Yanzhou)


      CICCC Director-general of the Publicity Department Xiao Ping made a brief introduction on Legend of Heroes World Kickboxing Championship. The Legend of Heroes is currently China’s most famous international professional fighting competition brand. It has successively held a number of international competitions in Guangzhou, Beijing, Changsha, Malaysia and other places since 2006. The contestants from various countries include active boxing champions. The Legend of Heroes aims to find the most valuable Chinese martial arts kickboxers and to bring them up to the international arena. On January 3, 2014, the Legend of Heroes will be firstly settled in Jinan, Shandong Province, and will hold its opening match in Jinan Olympic Center. Then 10 competitions will be held throughout the year, bringing a new visual feast for the people in the city of spring.


Leaders and guests start the Championships   (Photo by Chen Yanzhou)


       Reporters learned that there will be 9 pairs of 18 experts carrying out a super fighting duel during 2014 Legend of Heroes World Kickboxing Championship. The line-up brings together the most famous boxing champions around the world, such as “NO.1 Muay Thai Boxer” Yodsanklai, Greek “KO king” and “Condensed Dynamite” Mike•Zambidis, Ukrainian champion “Beautiful death” Artur•Kyshenko and also Canadian champion, Muay Thai champion of World Martial Fair Simon•Marcus all have been invited. Chinese leading figure “Fire Kylin” Xu Yan, known as "the first Chinese professional standing fighting man" will lead the Chinese Dream Team to fight against the World Super King League.

      During the launching ceremony, Executive Chairman of the Hero Legends Competition Committee Zou Guojun told the press conference that there was an International League Team with unprecedented strength, which meant that the Chinese martial arts were facing the biggest challenge ever. Except for some professional players, the committee would recruit competitors across the country in order to identify the real heroes to the world arena on behalf of the Chinese martial arts. Chinese Kung Fu has a long history and feels no fear in the face of any challenges. “The Legends of Heroes" invited first-class boxing champions to compete and exchange in China in order to set a stage for Chinese players to show themselves and to train our Chinese professional boxing stars. Anyone can stand on the ring as long as he has the courage.


Group photo of guests and players    (Photo by Chen Yanzhou)


      Art Director of the CICCC Sheng Hetai addressed the launching ceremony. He gave blessings to the contestants and hoped that the players would race out of style and take this competition as an opportunity to further develop Chinese martial arts culture, to promote International sports culture exchanges and make positive contributions to cultural prosperity.

      Board chairman of the sponsor, namely Shengshijuntao Culture Industry Ltd. and concurrent General Secretary of the Hero Legends Championships Committee Ma Juntao introduced that the tournaments were designed to promote the development of Chinese martial arts industry, reserve the Chinese kickboxing talents, while attempt to combine competitive sports with entertainments for further growing. At the present time, with support and guidance from national policy, we are pursuing an ultimate goal to further develop and strengthen the kickboxing undertaking on this soil already so rich in the culture of Martial Arts, to increase participation in the career representing the international fashion forward and eventually carry forward and spread the Chinese martial arts. In addition to the contests, the committee will also establish a professional wrestling training base in Shandong Province, which will provide good training system for martial arts enthusiasts there, creates our professional boxing champions and bring a new way for fitness.