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“Ten-Thousand-Students-Aiding Action” 2013 Charity Donation Giving-out Ceremony held in Changsha

時間:2013-08-27 14:11:46          來源:CICCC

      Sponsored by the China Charity Project Committee and Hunan Xixin Temple Foundation, “Ten-Thousand-Students-Aiding Action” 2013 Charity Donation Giving-out Ceremony was held in Changsha, Hunan on 24th August. Party-group Secretary and Executive chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Center, concurrently chairman of the China Charity Project Committee Long Yuxiang attended and addressed the event. He called on philanthropic personages from all circles of society to promote and carry on the Chinese traditional virtues of mutual aiding, actively carry out student-aiding, anti-poverty and other charitable activities, support the educational undertakings with actual action, help more and more Chinese nationals to realize their Chinese Dream.


Sponsored by the China Charity Project Committee and Hunan Xixin Temple Foundation, “Ten-Thousand-Students-Aiding Action” 2013 Charity Donation Giving-out Ceremony was held in Changsha, Hunan on 24th August. CICCC Executive chairman Long Yuxiang attended and addressed the event


      The Xixin Temple Foundation was established initially on 6th August, 2012. “Ten-Thousand-Students-Aiding Action” was initiated shortly after in the same year by the Temple and the China Charity Project Committee. The project is supervised by the Buddhist abbot of the Xixin Temple Wusheng. In promoting the ideas of having mercy at heart and the spirit of Giving priority to man’s interest, Benevolence and Devotion, in line with the original will of harboring a kind heart, carrying out kind action, accumulating merit and forming friendly ties, the Foundation had mobilized support from all walks of life for benefit student-aiding since this March. Over 1000 volunteers have been trained by the Foundation. So far it had raised a 4 million charity fund. It had made on-the-spot investigations of 2550 applicants to evaluate their conditions. Giving priority to most impoverished, the Foundation eventually chose 1039 students from all applicants to aid with 4000 Yuan each.

Hunan Xixin Temple Foundation handed out funds to poverty-stricken students 


CICCC Art director Sheng Hetai presents the Xixin Temple with calligraphy and paintings


      Long Yuxiang extended a warm welcome to the attending leadership and guests at the function. He also expressed heart-felt gratitude to monks, volunteers and philanthropic personages from various circles for their long-term support for charity undertakings. Long said, since ancient times, such virtues as loving all people and readily offering help and money, aiding the poor and rescuing the needy, respecting the elderly and caring for the young have been regarded as the moral quintessence of the Chinese nation. In the past years, the China Charity Project Committee had played major parts in building more than 600 benefit schools in old revolutionary bases, minority-inhabited, frontier and poverty-stricken areas across 30 plus provinces, autonomous regions and Municipalities, making donations totaling 200 million Yuan to poverty and disasters-stricken regions. Through actually actions the Committee has offered great support to the nation’s educational undertakings and has made positive contributions to the spread of socialist spiritual civilization and constructing of a harmonious society.

      At last, Long also expressed two expectations of the aid-receivers. For one, you should bear hardships and study hard, study for the sake of application and struggle to be a pillar of society. Besides, you ought to be thankful, harbor kind wishes for others and society, turn the tiny loving-kindness you now received to the driving force of your hard studying and unremitting efforts to live out your life and courage to overcome hardships and difficulties, devote your youth, wisdom and strength to the building and development of Hunan, make your hometown a better one.

Students from the 3rd Middle School in Lianyuan returned the Temple with silk banner


Group photo of philanthropists and aid-receivers


      Art-director of the CICCC Sheng Hetai, head of the CICCC Hunan Liaison Office Yang Zhongming, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial People’s Conference Cai Lifeng, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Political Consultative Conference Liu Xiao, Director-general of the Provincial Religious Affair Bureau Fu Lei, Deputy Director-general of the Changsha Municipal United Front Work Department Yao Fuming and many other leaders attended the event. Members of the Board of the Directors of the Foundation, representatives of the donators, volunteers and aid-receiving students from 14 districts of Hunan Province along with their parents also attended the ceremony.