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CICCC Shanghai Headquarters opening up ceremony held in Shanghai

時(shí)間:2013-04-23 14:21:46          來源:CICCC

      The CICCC Shanghai Headquarters opening up ceremony was held Shanghai State Guest Hotel on 18th April 2013.

The CICCC Shanghai Headquarters opening up ceremony was held at the Shanghai State Guest Hotel on 18th April 2013  ( photo by Long Ren )


Opening ceremony spot  ( photo by Long Ren )


      First chairman of CICCC Tang Tianbiao announced the appointment of leadership for the Shanghai Headquarters. Tang Tianbiao, Party group secretary and executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang and member of the municipal Party standing committee and head of the Communication Department Yang Zhengwu, former director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Liu Yungen together unveiled the signboard of CICCC Shanghai Headquarters. Vice chairman of CICCC Hu Yanlin, Zhang Li, Yu Linxiang, Sha Zukang, vice chairman of the Shanghai Political Consultative Conference, director of the Political Department of the Shanghai garrison command also attended the function.

First chairman of CICCC Tang Tianbiao announce the appointment of leadership for the Shanghai Headquarters  ( photo by Long Ren )


First chairman of CICCC Tang Tianbiao, the Party group secretary and executive chairman Long Yuxiang, member of the municipal Party standing committee and head of the Communication Department Yang Zhengwu, former director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress Liu Yungen together unveiled the signboard of the CICCC Shanghai Headquarters  ( photo by Long Ren )


      Party group secretary and executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang addressed the event, he said, “Shanghai is an international metropolis, her fame and status has been especially enhanced by the successful hosting of the 2010 World Expo, by the rapid development of Shanghai’s economy, as well as that of the cultural industry. As a major branch of the CICCC, under the leadership of the CICCC Party group, the Shanghai Headquarters will steadfastly implement the spirit of the CPC National Congress, offer cooperative support to the Shanghai Municipal Committee, the government and other related departments to carry out our tasks in cultural communication and spread. The Shanghai Headquarters is based in Shanghai and facing the world. Through CICCC’s platform of international cultural exchanges, by means of large-scale cultural communication activities with international influence and spread power, the Headquarters will take a positive part in Shanghai’s international engagement and in the promotion of Shanghai’s soft power and international status.”

       On behalf of the Shanghai municipal Party committee, and the municipal government member of the municipal Party standing committee and head of the Communication Department Yang Zhengwu congratulated the opening of the Shanghai Headquarters of CICCC. He also expressed sincere appreciation for the support and care given by friends of the cultural circle of Shanghai. He suggested that the CICCC is a major window towards the world through which many and various cultural communication activities has been carried out. It has contributed greatly to the cause of spreading socialist advanced culture and promotion of the cultural development of our nation. Currently the city is experiencing a typical stage of building up an international capital city with cultural quality. It is desperately in need of active participation of various circles of society. We should gather together all recourses and information at home and aboard, bringing together cultural products and projects of Shanghai style, with Shanghai characteristics. The founding of the Shanghai Headquarters of CICCC presents a vital new force joining the building of the city. It provides a excellent platform for the plan of promote Shanghai culture and cultural exchanges. Finally, he hoped that the Shanghai Headquarters of CICCC will contribute more to the development of Shanghai culture and to the course of international culture communication.

      Secretary-general of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, vice chairman of CICCC Sha Zukang delivered a speech to the event, saying that “the founding of the Shanghai Headquarters of CICCC marks a great achievement of the building and development of the CICCC. Shanghai has various and many advantages in international cultural exchanges in terms of its history resources, geographical position and rich traditional culture as well. We hope the Shanghai Headquarters of CICCC would further free their minds, enlarge cultural exchanges, live up to the challenges, dare to create, strive to offer strong support and impetus to the grand plan of cultural development and prosperity, to international cultural communication and to the great cause of the advancement of human civilization.”

       The newly appointed head of the Headquarters Zhu Zhengping made his inaugural speech, saying that the Shanghai Headquarters of CICCC will adhere to mission to promote Shanghai’s traditional culture, blaze new trails, push forward the international cultural exchanges, enrich the national cultural content. The Headquarters will strive to fulfill its duty and to cooperative with the local government, the municipal Party committee and the Shanghai garrison command alike.

      The opening ceremony was hosted by the Art Director of CICCC Sheng Hetai, Head of the Communication Department Xiao Pin, Executive Director of the Overseas Security Work Department Peng Shenglin, director of the General office Zuo Jinling, leaders of the Shanghai Municipality and garrison command, personages from various and many walks including the art circles, the press, the financial circles and entrepreneurs also attended the event.

 The Party group secretary and executive chairman Long yuxiang  ( photo by Long Ren )



Member of the municipal Party standing committee and head of the Communication Department Yang Zhenwu  ( photo by Long Ren )


Vice chairman of CICCC Sha Zukang  ( photo by Long Ren )


The newly appointed head of the Headquarters Zhu Zhengping  ( photo by Long Ren )


Opening ceremony spot  ( photo by Long Ren )