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CICCC’s 2013 New Year’s Reception for strengthening and pushing forward the construction of Social

時(shí)間:2013-01-09 11:07:11          來源:CICCC

     On January 5th, China International Cultural Communication Center held its 2013 New Year’s Reception at the Great Hall of the People. CICCC’s long standing friends from all over the world who are devoted to the construction and reinforcement of socialistic culture and keen to international cultural communication, as well as some diplomatic envoys took part. Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress and Chairman of CICCC Isma’il Tiliwaldi also attended the reception.


CICCC holds 2013 New Year Reception at the Great Hall of the People  ( photo by Long Ren )


     In his speech CICCC Party Secretary and Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang respectfully addressed leaders of all levels and international friends, thanking them for their interest in and their support of the Center’s work throughout the whole year. At the same time he wished everyone a happy new year and gave a review and summary of CICCC’s last year’s work concerning international and domestic cultural exchange, as well as charity activities. He said that in 2012 CICCC, which is led by the Party’s Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, grasped the international cultural pulse and cultivated a culture of innovation using cultural communication as a linking bridge to promote Chinese culture to the world. The Center made a big contribution in strengthening the relationship and friendship between China and the rest of the world. All staff members worked very hard together, they forged ahead and were innovative, thus making great achievements.

CICCC’s 1st Vice-Chairman Tang Tianbiao is amongst the attendees and give a toast  ( photo by Long Ren )


Party group secretary and concurrent executive chairman of CICCC Long Yuxiang addresses the reception  ( photo by Long Ren )


      The United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development Secretary General Sha Zukang held a speech in which he highly praised CICCC’s promotion of international cultural exchanges and its contribution to better relationships and friendships between China and the rest of the world, exhibiting Chinese traditional culture and stressing the importance of charity activities. He also thanked and gave his holiday greetings to everybody who has worked diligently for the promotion of international cultural communication and Chinese culture, thus ensuring a deeper mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world. He pointed out that culture plays an important role in connecting and building a bridge between different countries, different nations and even different belief systems. Cultural communication can strengthen mutual respect, understanding and tolerance of different cultures. It is also an important factor to promote civilized human progress. Let us join forces in order to spark the world’s interest in Chinese culture and let people from other countries get a better understanding of it.

The United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development Secretary General Sha Zukang addresses the reception  ( photo by Long Ren )


Distinguished guests have their photo taken at the reception   ( photo by Long Ren )


       At the reception CICCC commended its East China Liaison Department, its Northwest Liaison Department and its Shenzhen Liaison Department for their outstanding performance in 2012, as well as the following 8 advanced individuals who all made important positive contributions during the whole year: Ye Weixiong, Qiu Changxin, He Rong, Cai Ye, Wang Xideng, Huang Chunsheng, Ma Tingfu, Quan Kutian. Also praised for their caring nature and support of charity undertakings were: Ye Weixiong, Teng Fang, Cui Hongjin, Ahmed Yiminti, Xie Ming, You Li Hong, Wan Shaoying,Yang Xiaofang,He Yinchu, Zhang Xing,Zhu Dingyi,Zheng Chuanhao, Cai Rongzhan, Huang Xiaoling, Tian Liang and other caring people, as well as Yang Jichuan, Wang Hongliang, Chang Wuliang, Zhao Dawu, Ma Xijing, Li Fulin, Yang Xinglang, Xu Shuangxi and other famous painting and calligraphy artists. At the same time it was pointed out that Shenzhen Silver Star Group donated 1 million Yuan of supplies to North Korean Provinces and 50 million Yuan Wuqiang County’s (Hebei Province) poverty-stricken areas; Da Tong Colliery Group Xinzhou Tongzhou Coal Co., Ltd. donated 1 million Yuan to the Goodwill Artistic Troupe; Hunan Hui Zhong Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.’s Chairman Zhu Dingyi donated 1 million Yuan Qidong County’s (Hunan Province) poverty-stricken areas; Ms Teng Fang donated 1 million Yuan to Hunan’s poverty-stricken areas and CICCC Hongkong Liaison Department’s Commissioner Cai Rongzhan donated 1 million Yuan to Zheng Dongguo’s Education Foundation. Furthermore, DPRK’s National Artistic Troupe performed traditional Korean dances and classical Chinese songs.

Artists from DPRRK National Art Troupe perform Korean traditional dance  ( photo by Long Ren )


      CICCC’s 1st Vice-Chairman Tang Tianbiao was also amongst the attendees and gave a toast.

      Leaders of the Central Ministries, the People’s Liberation Army,the Armed Police Force, all provinces and cities and major enterprises Wang Dingguo, Lei Mingqiu, Hu Yanlin, Zhao Keming, Sun Dafa, Fu Tinggui, Wang Jiarui, Yang Huanning, Ye Dabo, Wang Qijiang, Long Xinmin, Jiang Xiaoyu, Long Yongtu, Cheng Guoping, Xu Zuyuan, Sun Yafu, Cheng Wanqi, Lin Hailian, Li Yunzhi, Xu Yean, Dai Shenglong, Ye Jian, Wang Zhiguo, Yu Ning, Liu Chuansheng, Chen Benyan, Li Xuewen, Leng Degui, You Jun, Huang Yichang, Wang Jin,Chen Dongxiang, Zhu Yingqiu, Jia Fang, Zhang Hehui, Wang Dongfa, Rao Hongqiao, Wang Zuojin, Wang Yihua, Xu Yanbin, Chen Shanguang, Shao Jiping, Sun Shaohua, Wang Xin, Li Jinxing, Zhao Si, Zhang Buwang, Zhang Weiye, Zheng Xinyi, Zhang Hongyun, Guo Zhigang, Dai Shugao, Zhang Zongyin, Sheng Hetai, Ji Shaoying, Yang Xinhong, Dong Junxin, Sun Hengchao, as well as diplomatic envoys and international guests Chi Yunlong, Ahmad A. M. Ramadan, Dong Jingzhe, Jia Fang, Li Chunwan, Marie-Christine Jan, Bayram Hasanov, Mohamed Hai Soltani, Christos Failadis, Ivan Silva Rivera, Rahman L. Muhsin, Peng Jianhua, Dana Schuppert, Liu Yunlian, as well as other artists and representatives of the press attended the New Year’s reception.


Cheerful scene of the Reception  ( photo by Long Ren )