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Long Yuxiang meets with Germany Secretary of state of Federal Foreign Office Cornelia Pieper

時(shí)間:2012-10-24 09:29:00          來(lái)源:CICCC

      Party group Secretary and Executive Chairman of China International Cultural Communication Center Mr. Long Yuxiang met with Cornelia Pieper, Secretary of State of Germany Federal Foreign Office on 20th, October 2012. The two exchanges friendly on subject of cultural communications between two nations.


    Party group Secretary and Executive Chairman of CICCC Mr. Long Yuxiang meet with Cornelia Pieper,Secretary of State of Germany Federal Foreign Office on 21th,October


      Long pointed out that CICCC has been working persistently on the field of international cultural exchanges, promoting Chinese culture to become an international one. Over the recent years, in pace with close cooperation in economy and trade between Germany and China, Germany sees an increase interest in understanding Chinese culture and its people, hence the enhanced cultural exchanges. In order to further accelerate cultural communications between two sides and to spread splendid Chinese traditional culture, CICCC will open up two communication centers in Berlin and Frankfurt respectively and making its reasonable bridge for friendly exchanges.


Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang shakes hands with Cornlia Pieper


    Cornelia Pieper agreed on Long’s proposals, saying that the Federal Foreign Office of Germany will stand firmly to support any culture communications. She introduced briefly a German cultural organization, namely Goethe institute in Beijing. She hoped that the ties between the two would be further enhance through activities so that more Chinese people will get to know German, understand German and like German.


Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang changes views with Deputy Director-General of Research Academic Relations Policy of Federal Foreign Office Anna Prinz


     Deputy Director-General of Research & Academic Relations Policy of Federal Foreign Office,Anna Prinz, Minister & Deputy Head of Mission of Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Beijing Dr. Norbert Riedel, Minster Counsellor & Head of the Cultural Section of Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Beijing Dr. Hardy Boeckle,chairwoman of German-China Cultural Communication Association and concurrently President of German China Communications Group Zhang Yu, Head of the Communication Department of CICCC Xiao Ping, Associate Director of the Foreign Liaison Office Cao Feifei attended the meeting.