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China International Cultural Communication Centre expresses solicitude for the officers and men of t

時間:2012-08-04 11:06:38          來源:CICCC

    Today, organized by the China International Cultural Communication Centre, China Compassion Work Committee, a consolation delegation comprised of famous calligraphers and painters, and philanthropic entrepreneurs came to visit the 15th detachment of the Beijing Armed Policy Corps. On July 21st, Beijing area encountered the most severe torrential rain in 61 years, leading to serious natural disasters. The 15th Detachment of the Beijing Armed Policy Corps responded quickly. Operating nonstop, they received general praises and recognition after completing tasks including the rescue at Qinglonghu Juvenile Military school, the reopening of Nangangwa section of the Bejing-Hong Kong – Macao Highway, disease prevention at Guojin Farm in Fanshan District, etc.

      Mr. Long Yuxiang, the Party secretary and executive chairman of China International Cultural Communication Centre and Chairman of the China Compassion Work Committee, on behalf of the consolation delegation, started by conveying greetings to the heroic officers and men of the 15th Detachment for the 85th anniversary of Army establishment, and lofty respects. Long Yuxiang said, over the years, all commanders and soldiers of the 15th Detachment had always borne in mind the mission, been loyal to the Party to serve the people courageously, playing an important role in safeguarding the capital’s peace and stability, serving the capital’s economic and social development, and protecting Beijing people’s lives and properties. Especially in the July 21st Beijing rainstorm disaster, all officers and soldiers of the 15th Detachment took the lead to work nonstop for 3 days and 3 nights despite the hardship and danger, reopening the traffic artery of Beijing – Hong Kong – Macao Highway by their hands. They also tenaciously and continuously took part in the rescue and disaster relief, health and epidemic prevention, and reconstruction works in Fangshan District, fulfilling with their actions the mission of serving the people wholeheartedly, thoroughly demonstrating the true devotion of “people’s army serves the people”, winning acclaim and praises from the general mass and the community. He pointed out that, China International Cultural Communication Centre will continue to have the construction of national defense in mind, stand by the “double support” works, using culture communications as the bridge, to make positive contribution to the strengthening of cultural exchange between the army and the local, enrichment of the cultural life of the troops, and enhancement of the affection between the army and the civilians.

     Captain Li Weijie of a unit of the Beijing Armed Police Corps, on behalf of the military Party committees and close to ten thousand armed police, welcomed and thanked the consolation delegation from the China International Communication Centre. He said, since the establishment of the Beijing Armed Police Corps, it had shouldered the sacred duty of safeguarding the CPC Central Committee and maintain the capital’s social stability, under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the Armed Police Headquarters, and under the leadership of the Beijing Municipal Government, in addition to completing fixed target security works, it also successfully undertook major assignments such as ensuring security during Beijing Olympics, security during the 60th National Day Anniversary, as well as the annual security works of the Beijing West Railway Station during the Spring Festival rush, the NPC and CPPCC meetings, and the guarding of the central directorates. All officers and men of the troop will use this consolation as an opportunity to further strengthen the troop’s overall development, repaying people’s deep affection for us by outstanding performance in future assignments.

     Commissar She Lin of the 15th Detachment of Beijing Armed Police Corp expressed his gratitude for the solicitude of the China International Cultural Communication Centre, the calligraphy and painting artists and the philanthropic enterprises, and awarded them honorary certificates. He said that the July 21st rainstorm disaster had been the concern of the central leadership and people across the country; the 15th Detachment of Beijing Armed Police Corps assumed the responsibility of ensuring the capital’s safety, they were only doing their job to act as the backbone and commando to protect the people’s lives and their properties, and to ensure social stability and people can live and work peacefully. He hoped to further strengthen the cultural exchanges between the armed police and the local community to enrich the cultural lives in the barracks, which would be helpful in enhancing the armed police’s combat capability, stimulating the officers and men’s enthusiasm for training, and completing the various tasked entrusted by the Party and the people.

     The famous calligraphy and painting artists wielded the ink brushes on site to create several works that saluted the greatness of the people’s army and paid tributes to the deep affections between the army and the people, and during their creation, they also made exchanges with the soldiers on calligraphy and painting creation experiences; Wang Jing, the president of China Broadcasting Newspaper, broadcasting artists Hong Yun and Yu Fang, famous reciters Yu Xiaopeng, Li Xiaobo and Lei Peng, based on the soldiers’ touching stories, together created overnight 4 poems that paid tributes to the armed police for their courageous fight against the flood and rescue efforts, and recited the poems on site with deep affection; young singer Li Haoxuan soulfully sang the song Homeland, the loving mother; the philanthropic entrepreneurs also presented the armed police as goodwill gesture RMB200,000 in prize, and gifts and “liquors to express their support for the army” worth a total of RMB400,000. Deputy Commissar Li Jinxing of the Beijing Armed Police Corps attended the consolation function, and commended the artists and entrepreneurs for their actions. The secretariat Dai Shugao, artistic director Sheng Hetai, publicity director Xiao Ping, and office director Peng Chenglin of the China International Cultural communication Centre, and Deputy secretariat Cui Hongjin of China  Compassion Work Committee also joined the consolation.