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Long Yuxiang attends Overseas Exhibited Quality Ink Stones Selective Event and National Youth Callig

時間:2012-08-27 17:39:42          來源:CICCC


        Overseas Exhibited Quality Ink Stones Selective Event and National Youth Calligraphy & Painting Competition prize-giving ceremony was held at the Guo’an Theatre on 12August 2012. Co-sponsored by the Chinese Culture of Yan and Huang Research Institute, Chinese Culture Promotion Society and Development Joint Association of the Chinese Culture of the Ink Stone, the event aimed to facilitate the protection and preservation of the excellent Chinese traditional culture, and to promote the culture of Ink Stone. Executive Chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Center Long Yuxiang attended the   event at invitation and gave out certificates to the winners of the competition.



Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang attends at invitation the Overseas Exhibited Quality Ink Stones Selective Event and National Youth Calligraphy Painting Competition prize-giving ceremony on 12 August 2012   ( photo by Song Bihong )


        Culture of Ink Stone is an indispensible part of Chinese traditional heritage; it bears the weight of Chinese civilization and wisdom. Of those contesting works, four pieces won special award, six quality and 24 excellent. Contesting works are generally original in choice of subject, and possess great culture, being outstanding in their shapes, designs as well as materials of what they made. Wonderful performances were carried out at the prize-giving ceremony by artists such as the renowned reciter Yin Zhiguang, and performers from Cultural Troupe of the Armed Police, China Beijing Opera Theatre, Jinfan Beijing opera troupe.
       Distinguished guests attended the event also including Vice Chairman of the 10th National People’s Congress Xu Jialu, the former
Associate Chief of the General Staff of the PLA and concurrently the Vice Chairman of the CICCC General Zhang Li, former Commander of the Armed Police General Wu Shuangzhan, former Secretary of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee Song Fatang, Former Vice-minister of the Land and Resources Shou Jiahua, Deputy director of the State Administration of Relics Ma Zishu, Yan Zhengtang, former Deputy Director of the General Armaments Department of the PLA Lieutenant General Zhang Jianqi, Deputy Political Commissar of the Armed Police Lieutenant General Wang Changhe, former Vice-commander of the Armed Police Lieutenant General Liu Hongjun, former Associate Chief of Staff of the Armed Police Lieutenant General Zhang Weiye, President of Chinese Association of the Four Treasures of the Study Guo Haitang. Besides, over 100 personages from state organs, universities, the media and culture circles were present at the event.



Executive Chairman Long Yuxiang gives out prizes to theirs winners and hanve photo taken   ( photo by Song Bihong )

